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Object Download

Objects can be downloaded from P3 through its REST endpoint using GET method. The endpoint URL has the form, where KEY is the P3 storage path for the object to download.

Object is treated as byte array and received through the HTTP response body. The following table shows a list of additional headers to define for a request.

Name Required Usage
x-p3-bucket Yes Target bucket to upload object.
x-p3-unixtime Yes Unix timestamp at the time of the request. Fallback to Date if missingr.
Authorization Yes See Authenication
Date No Fallback for x-p3-unixtime


If you want to play with the P3 service. The curl command can give you a quick start. Objects can be downloaded from P3 using this command line tool. Here is an example:

     -H "x-p3-bucket: [OBJECT_BUCKET]" \
     -H "x-p3-unixtime: [UNIX_TIMESTAMP]" \
     -H "Authorization: [YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID]:[SIGNATURE]" \
     --output [LOCAL_FILE_PATH]

You need to fill in desired target bucket OBJECT_BUCKET, key OBJECT_KEY, current unix timestamp UNIX_TIMESTAMP, authentication token YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID and SIGNATURE, and local path to save downloaded data LOCAL_FILE_PATH.

It is a bit hassle to calculate data MD5 and the authentication signature. Here is a tool that can generate a curl command line for given parameters.


If you are developing with P3, there is a Go SDK available here. Here is an example to download an object using the SDK

import ""

func download() error {
    cli := p3.New()
    data, err := cli.GetObject(
    ); err != nil {
        return err

    // Downloaded content is returned by data as []byte
    fmt.Printf("object downloaded successfully.\n")

    return nil